
Plot the lifetime autocorrelation function of discrete states as function of another set of discrete states.


Finish docstring

This script is designed to plot the output of scripts.discretization.state_lifetime_discrete.



Input filename. The output file of scripts.discretization.state_lifetime_discrete.


Output filename pattern. There are created two or three output files:

  1. <OUTFILE>.pdf containing the lifetime autocorrelation functions as function of lag time and secondary state as well as the average lifetimes as function of the secondary states.

  2. <OUTFILE>_fit.pdf containing the lifetime autocorrelation functions for each secondary state as function of lag time with its respective fit.

  3. <OUTFILE>_fit.txt containing the fit parameters for each secondary state. Only created if --refit is given.


The columns of the input file that should be plotted. Column numbering starts at zero. Note that all given columns are treated as y data. The 0-th column is always read automatically and treated as x data. Default: None (this means read all columns).


Do not read the fitting parameters from the input file but redo the fitting of the data.


End time for fitting the remain probability in data units. This is inclusive, i.e. the time given here is still included in the fit. Is meaningless if --refit is not given. Default: None (this means end at 90% of the lag times).


Stop fitting the remain probability as soon as it falls below this value. The fitting is stopped by whatever happens earlier: --end-fit or --stop-fit. Is meaningless if --refit is not given. Default: 0.01.


Left and right limit of the x-axis in data coordinates. If the right limit is None, plot until the maximum lag time. Default: [0, None].


Lower and upper limit of the y-axis in data coordinates. Pass ‘None’ to adjust the limit(s) automatically. Default: [0, 1].


Multiply all times by this factor. Default: 1.


Time unit. Default: 'steps'.

See also


Plot the lifetime autocorrelation function of discrete states as function of lag time
