
Plot on which discrete hexagonal site a compounds resides as function of time and space in a scatter plot.


Finish docstring

This script is designed to plot the output of scripts.discretization.discrete_hex.



Input filename. The output file of scripts.discretization.discrete_hex containing the discrete trajectory.


Second input file. The output file of scripts.discretization.discrete_hex containing the hexagonal lattice faces.


Third input file. The output file of scripts.discretization.discrete_hex containing the hexagonal lattice vertices.


Output filename.


The index of the compound for which to plot the discrete trajectory. Indexing starts at zero. Default: The compound that has the fewest negative elements in its discrete trajectory.


Plot only every n-th frame. Default: 1.


If given, the size of the scatter points will be proportional to the number of times the compound visited the respective lattice face.


Left and right limit of the x-axis in data coordinates. Pass ‘None’ to adjust the limit(s) automatically. Default: [0, None].


Lower and upper limit of the y-axis in data coordinates. Pass ‘None’ to adjust the limit(s) automatically. Default: [0, None].


Multiply all lengths by this factor. Default: 1.


Lengh unit. Default: A.
