
Plot in which discrete position bin a compounds resides as function of time.


Finish docstring

This script is designed to plot the output of scripts.discretization.discrete_pos.



Input filename. The output file of scripts.discretization.discrete_pos containing the discrete trajectory.


Optional second input file. The output file of scripts.discretization.discrete_pos containing the bin edges that were used to generate the discrete trajectory. If provided, the bins will be shown on a secondary y-axis.


Output filename.


Space separated list of indices of compounds for which to plot the discrete trajectory. Indexing starts at zero. Negative indices are counted backwards. By default, the trajectories of all compounds are plotted.


Label for the secondary y-axis. Is meaningless if --bins is not given. Default: r"$z$ / A".


Number of decimal places for the tick labels of the secondary y-axis. Is meaningless if --bins is not given. Default: 1.
