
This project uses Git as version control system (VCS). The project repository is hosted on GitHub. Thus, in order to contribute to this project you need to install Git on your local computer. On many Linux distributions it is already pre-installed. If you are not familiar with Git and GitHub, read the quick introduction to Git and the quick introduction to GitHub. Maybe you will find this Git(Hub) cheat sheet useful.


The following description of the Git-workflow of this project is only preliminary and will likely be changed.


Establish reliable Git-workflow for the project.


Show how to use the established Git-workflow.

To keep things simple, we follow the GitHub Flow in our development process. In this workflow, the only hard rule that must always be obeyed is that anything in the master branch must be stable. This means before you make any changes to the code (e.g. implement a new feature or fix a bug or add a docstring or comment), create a new branch off of master. Your branch name should be descriptive, so that others can see what is being worked on. Only after your code was tested, has no known bugs and works stable, it can be merged back into the master branch.



Relate the established Git-workflow with the versioning scheme and exactly state when the version number has to changed.

See the version file mdtools/ for further information about the versioning scheme used for this project.