

At the moment, MDTools can only be installed from the source code. It is not included in any package manager, yet, but it is planned to push MDTools to PyPI.

Virtual environment

We strongly recommend to install MDTools in its own virtual Python environment to make sure to not break any dependencies of already installed Python packages and to not break MDTools itself when you install or upgrade other Python packages in the future. We recommend using venv or Virtualenv to create the virtual environment. venv is part of Python’s standard library since Python 3.3 and hence does not require any additional installations. However, Virtualenv offers more functionalities and also supports Python 2. Virtualenv can simply be installed with pip:

python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade virtualenv

Installation from source

The following steps describe the (at the moment) recommended way of installing MDTools. path/to/mdtools is the top level directory of the package where is located. If you are using venv instead of Virtualenv, replace virtualenv with venv in the following commands:

git clone
cd path/to/mdtools
python3 -m virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
python3 -m pip install .

If you do not want to use a virtual Python environment, follow these steps:

git clone
cd path/to/mdtools
python3 -m pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel
python3 -m pip install --user .


Some required packages may need the GCC compiler for their installation. If you install MDTools on a computing cluster that uses the Lmod (or a similar) module system, make sure that you have loaded the necessary modules.

Development version

Because at the moment the only way of installing MDTools is an installation from source, the only difference to the installation procedure described above is that you have to set the --editable flag when installing the MDTools package:

git clone
cd path/to/mdtools
python3 -m virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
python3 -m pip install --editable .

This installs MDTools in development mode. This means that any changes you make to the source directory will immediately affect the installed package without the need to re-install it.

When you want to contribute to MDTools, please read the the Developer’s guide.


Choose your installation method and follow the instructions to uninstall MDTools. Usually removing the source directory will suffice to uninstall MDTools.

Uninstall installation from source

If you have installed MDTools in a virtual Python environment, follow these steps:

cd path/to/mdtools
source env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip uninstall mdtools
cd ../
rm -r mdtools

If you did not use a virtual Python environment, follow these steps:

python3 -m pip uninstall mdtools
rm -r path/to/mdtools

Uninstall development version

cd path/to/mdtools
source env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip uninstall mdtools
cd ../
rm -r mdtools