Source code for mdtools.parallel

# This file is part of MDTools.
# Copyright (C) 2021, The MDTools Development Team and all contributors
# listed in the file AUTHORS.rst
# MDTools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
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"""Functions and clases for parallel computing."""

# Standard libraries
import os
import warnings
import traceback
import atexit
import uuid
import pickle
import multiprocessing as mp
# Local application/library specific imports
import mdtools as mdt

[docs]class ProcessPool: """ Create a pool of worker processes which will carry out tasks submitted to the pool. This is a very basic custom version of Python's built-in :class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` class. The problem with the built-in :class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool` is that the message pipe between the parent process and its child processes has a limited size. The pipe may get stuffed when you send too much data between the processes resulting in an error or, in the worst case, in a dead lock (see e.g. This custom version of a process pool circumvents this issue by pickling the data to a file and only sending the filename through the pipe. At the other end of the pipe, the data are unpickled from the file and can be processed. The file names follow a specific pattern. Files sheduling tasks to woker (i.e. child) processes follow the pattern :file:`.pid<ProcessID>_pool<PoolNumber>_task<TaskNumber>_args_uuid_<UUID>.pkl` if they contain non-keyword arguments (:file:`args`) or :file:`.pid<ProcessID>_pool<PoolNumber>_task<TaskNumber>_kwargs_uuid_<UUID>.pkl` if they contain keyword arguments (:file:`kwargs`). Files which are sent back from the worker processes to the parent process follow the pattern :file:`.pid<ProcessID>_pool<PoolNumber>_task<TaskNumber>_result_uuid_<UUID>.pkl`. Files are deleted automatically after use. You might only have to clean up your working directory if the program crashes during execution. Note that the leading dot :file:`.` marks the files hidden on Unix systems. To show them, you have to invoke :command:`ls -a`. This process pool was only implemented to circumvent the above mentioned issue and has therefore only a very basic functionality, not comparable with the sophisticated functionality of the built-in :class:`multiprocessing.pool.Pool`. """ #: Counts how many instances of :class:`ProcessPool`` have been #: created. _counter = 0 def __init__(self, nprocs=None, parse_file=True): """ Initialize a pool of worker processes. Parameters ---------- nprocs : int The number of worker processes to use, i.e. the number of child processes to spawn. If ``None`` (default), the number worker processes is inferred from :func:`mdtools.run_time_info.get_num_CPUs`. parse_file : bool, optional If ``True`` (default), send data between processes in files as described above instead of piping them. This option sets the global behaviour of the pool. It can also be set indivudially for each task submitted to the pool (see :meth:`submit_task`). """ self._poolnum = ProcessPool._counter ProcessPool._counter += 1 atexit.register(self.__del__) if nprocs is None: self._nprocs = mdt.rti.get_num_CPUs() else: self._nprocs = nprocs if self._nprocs < 1: raise ValueError("The number of processes ({}) must be" " positive".format(self._nprocs)) elif self._nprocs == 1: warnings.warn("The number of processes is only one. A serial" " code is likely to be faster due to the" " overhead of multiprocessing", RuntimeWarning) elif self._nprocs > mdt.rti.get_num_CPUs(): warnings.warn("The number of processes ({}) is larger than" " the number of available CPUs ({}). This will" " probably lead to performance degradation" .format(self._nprocs, mdt.rti.get_num_CPUs()), RuntimeWarning) self._parse_file = bool(parse_file) self._pool_closed = False self._tasknum = 0 self._ntasks_done = 0 self._taskq = mp.Queue() self._resultq = mp.Queue() self._sentinel = None self._procs = [] for i in range(self._nprocs): proc = mp.Process(target=self._worker, args=(self._taskq, self._resultq, self._sentinel)) proc.start() atexit.register(proc.terminate) self._procs.append(proc) def __del__(self): """Terminate the process pool.""" self.terminate()
[docs] def n_tasks_submitted(self): """ Get the total number of tasks submitted to the pool. Returns ------- _tasknum : int The *total* number of tasks submitted to the pool (including already finished tasks). """ return self._tasknum
[docs] def n_tasks_done(self): """ Get the total number of done tasks. Returns ------- _ntasks_done : int The total number of already finished tasks. """ return self._ntasks_done
def _worker(self, inq, outq, sentinel): """ A wrapper function executed by the worker processes. Each spawned worker (child) process runs one :meth:`_worker` method. The :meth:`_worker` method reads a task from `inq` (the task queue of the parent process), executes the task and send its result back to the parent process via `outq` (the result queue of the parent process). If a worker reads `sentinel` from `inq`, it stops and the process running the :meth:`_worker` method terminates. Parameters ---------- inq : multiprocessing.Queue Input queue from wich to read tasks. outq : multiprocessing.Queue Output queue in which to put the results. sentinel : object The sentinel object indicating the end of the input queue. Returns ------- tasknums : list List of task numbers of all tasks processed by the worker process running this specific :meth:`_worker` method in the order of processing. """ try: tasknums = [] for tasknum, parse_file, func, args, kwargs in iter(inq.get, sentinel): if parse_file: with open(args, 'rb') as f: arguments = pickle.load(f) os.remove(args) args = arguments with open(kwargs, 'rb') as f: keyword_arguments = pickle.load(f) os.remove(kwargs) kwargs = keyword_arguments result = func(*args, **kwargs) if parse_file: fresult = (".pid" + str(os.getpid()) + "_pool" + str(self._poolnum) + "_task" + str(tasknum) + "_result" "_uuid_" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".pkl") with open(fresult, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(result, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) result = fresult outq.put((tasknum, parse_file, result)) tasknums.append(tasknum) return tasknums except Exception as e: print("An exception was raised in {} (PID: {}) while" " processing task {} of ProcessPool {}:" .format(mp.current_process().name, os.getpid(), tasknum, self._poolnum)) traceback.print_exc() outq.put((tasknum, e))
[docs] def submit_task(self, func, args=(), kwargs={}, parse_file=None): """ Submit a task to the process pool. The task will start as soon as a free worker (child) process is available. Parameters ---------- func : function The function to execute. args : tuple Non-keyword arguments to parse to `func`. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to parse to `func`. parse_file : bool If ``True``, send data between processes in files as described above. The default (``None``) is to infer the behaviour from the `parse_file` argument that was used for the construction of this :class:`ProcessPool`. Returns ------- _tasknum : int The number assigned to the submitted task. Tasks are numberd sequentially according to their submission time (the first submitted task gets number 0). """ if parse_file is None: parse_file = self._parse_file if parse_file: fargs = (".pid" + str(os.getpid()) + "_pool" + str(self._poolnum) + "_task" + str(self._tasknum) + "_args" + "_uuid_" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".pkl") with open(fargs, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(args, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) args = fargs fkwargs = (".pid" + str(os.getpid()) + "_pool" + str(self._poolnum) + "_task" + str(self._tasknum) + "_kwargs" + "_uuid_" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".pkl") with open(fkwargs, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(kwargs, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) kwargs = fkwargs self._taskq.put((self._tasknum, parse_file, func, args, kwargs)) self._tasknum += 1 return self._tasknum - 1
[docs] def get_results(self): """ Get the results of all tasks that have not been collected, yet. This method blocks until all undone tasks are done and their results are fetched. Results are returned in the order of task submission (FIFO: first in, first out). Returns ------- results : tuple A tuple of all collected results. """ results = [] for i in range(self._ntasks_done, self._tasknum): result = self._resultq.get() if isinstance(result[-1], BaseException): print("Task {} exited with error:" .format(result[0])) raise result[-1] else: results.append(result) self._ntasks_done += 1 results.sort() tasknum, parse_file, results = tuple(zip(*results)) results = list(results) for i, fresult in enumerate(results): if parse_file[i]: with open(fresult, 'rb') as f: results[i] = pickle.load(f) os.remove(fresult) return tuple(results)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the process pool. Prevents any more tasks from being submitted to the pool. Once all the tasks have been completed, the worker processes will exit. You should collect your result with :meth:`get_results` first, because also the result :class:`~multiprocessing.Queue` will be closed. """ for i in range(self._nprocs): self._taskq.put(self._sentinel) self._taskq.close() self._resultq.close() self._pool_closed = True
[docs] def terminate(self): """ Terminate the process pool. Stops the worker processes immediately without completing outstanding work. When the pool object is garbage collected :meth:`terminate` will be called. """ for proc in self._procs: proc.terminate()
[docs] def join(self): """ Wait for the worker processes to exit. One should call :meth:`close` or :meth:`terminate` before using :meth:`join`. If :meth:`join` is called without calling :meth:`close` or :meth:`terminate` before, :meth:`close` will be called internally before :meth:`join`. """ if not self._pool_closed: self.close() self._taskq.join_thread() self._resultq.join_thread() for proc in self._procs: proc.join()