Source code for mdtools.check

# This file is part of MDTools.
# Copyright (C) 2021, The MDTools Development Team and all contributors
# listed in the file AUTHORS.rst
# MDTools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# MDTools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Functions for debugging and checking user input or arguments parsed to
other functions, clases, etc.

# Standard libraries
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
# Third party libraries
import decimal as dec
import numpy as np
# Local application/library specific imports
import mdtools as mdt

[docs]def array( a, shape=None, dim=None, axis=None, amin=None, amax=None, dtype=None): """ Check if the input array satisfies the given conditions. The array must meet the following requirements: * Must be of an `array_like` type, i.e. a type that can be convertet to a :class:`numpy.ndarray`. * Must have a shape equal to the supplied `shape`. * Must have a dimension equal to the supplied `dim`. * Must contain the supplied `axis`. * All array elements must be greater than or equal to `amin` (if supplied). * All array elements must be less than or equal to `amax` (if supplied). * Must have a data type equal to the supplied `dtype`. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The array to check. shape : tuple, optional The shape expected for `a`. Default is ``None``, which means that the shape of `a` is not checked. dim : int, optional The dimension expected for `a`. Default is ``None``, which means that the dimension of `a` is not checked. axis : int, optional Index of an axis that should be contained in `a`. Default is ``None``, which means that it is not checked whether `a` contains the given axis. amin : scalar or array_like Minimum values that the elements of `a` must not undermine. If `amin` and `a` do not have the same shape, they must be broadcastable to a common shape. amax : scalar or array_like Maximum values that the elements of `a` must not exceed. If `amax` and `a` do not have the same shape, they must be broadcastable to a common shape. `amax` must be greater than `amin`. dtype : type, optional The data type expected for `a`. Default is ``None``, which means that the data type of `a` is not checked. Returns ------- a : numpy.ndarray The input array as :class:`numpy.ndarray`. Raises ------ ValueError If `shape` is not ``None`` and the shape of `a` is not `shape`; `dim` is not ``None`` and the dimension of `a` is not `dim`; `a` contains elements that are less than `amin`; `a` contains elements that are greater than `amax`. Or if the given combination of `shape`, `dim` and `axis` is satisfiable by any array; `amax` is less than `amin`. :exc:`numpy.AxisError` If `a` does not contain the given `axis`. TypeError If `dtype` is not ``None`` and the data type of `a` is not `dtype`. RuntimeError If all arguments (except `a`) are ``None``. See Also -------- :func:`mdtools.check.pos_array` : Check if an array is a suitable position array :func:`` : Check if an array is a suitable simulation box array :func:`mdtools.check.dtrj` : Check if an array is a suitable discrete trajectory array """ a = np.asarray(a) # Check input parameters: if (shape is None and dim is None and axis is None and amin is None and amax is None and dtype is None): raise RuntimeError("No arguments provided to check 'a'") if dim is not None and shape is not None and dim != len(shape): raise ValueError("The given combination of 'dim' ({}) and" " 'shape' ({}) is not satisfiable by any array" .format(dim, shape)) if axis is not None and shape is not None: try: shape[axis] except IndexError: raise ValueError("The given combination of 'axis' ({}) and" " 'shape' ({}) is not satisfiable by any" " array".format(axis, shape)) if axis is not None and dim is not None: if axis >= dim or -axis > dim: raise ValueError("The given combination of 'axis' ({}) and" " 'dim' ({}) is not satisfiable by any" " array".format(axis, dim)) if amin is not None and amax is not None and amax < amin: raise ValueError("'amax' ({}) must be greater than 'amin' ({})" .format(amax, amin)) # Check array: if shape is not None and a.shape != shape: raise ValueError("'a' has shape {} but must have shape {}" .format(a.shape, shape)) if dim is not None and a.ndim != dim: raise ValueError("'a' has dimension {} but must have dimension" " {}".format(a.ndim, dim)) if axis is not None: try: a.shape[axis] except IndexError: raise np.AxisError("axis {} is out of bounds for array of" " dimension {}".format(axis, a.ndim)) if amin is not None and np.any(a < amin): raise ValueError("'a' has elements less than 'amin' ({})" .format(amin)) if amax is not None and np.any(a > amax): raise ValueError("'a' has elements greater than 'amax' ({})" .format(amax)) if dtype is not None and a.dtype != dtype: raise TypeError("The data type of 'a' is {} but must be {}" .format(a.dtype, dtype)) return a
[docs]def pos_array( pos_array, shape=None, dim=None, amin=None, amax=None, dtype=None): """ Check if the input array satisfies the conditions for a position array. Arrays that contain positions (spatial coordinates) of particles must meet the following requirements: * Must be of an `array_like` type, i.e. a type that can be convertet to a :class:`numpy.ndarray`. * Must be of shape ``(3,)`` or ``(n, 3)`` or ``(k, n, 3)``, where ``n`` is the number of particles and ``k`` is the number of frames. Parameters ---------- pos_array : array_like The array to check. shape : tuple, optional The shape expected for `pos_array`. Default is ``None``, which means that the shape of `pos_array` is not checked. If provided, the length of `shape` must be either one, two or three and the last element of shape must be 3. dim : {None, 1, 2, 3}, optional The dimension expected for `pos_array`. Default is ``None``, which means that the dimension of `pos_array` is not checked. amin : scalar or array_like Minimum values that the elements of `pos_array` must not undermine. If `amin` and `pos_array` do not have the same shape, they must be broadcastable to a common shape. amax : scalar or array_like Maximum values that the elements of `pos_array` must not exceed. If `amax` and `pos_array` do not have the same shape, they must be broadcastable to a common shape. `amax` must be greater than `amin`. dtype : type, optional The data type expected for `pos_array`. The default is ``None``, which means that the data type of `pos_array` is not checked. Returns ------- pos_array : numpy.ndarray The input array as :class:`numpy.ndarray`. Raises ------ ValueError If the last dimension of `pos_array` is not of shape ``(3,)``; The dimension of `pos_array` is neither one, two or three. Or if `shape` is not ``None`` and the length of `shape` is neither one, two or three; `dim` is not ``None`` and neither one, two or three. See :func:`mdtools.check.array` for further potentially raised exceptions. See Also -------- :func:`mdtools.check.array` : Check if an array meets given requirements :func:`` : Check if an array is a suitable simulation box array """ pos_array = np.asarray(pos_array) # Check input parameters: if (shape is not None and (len(shape) < 1 or len(shape) > 3) and shape[-1] != 3): raise ValueError("'shape' ({}) must be either (3,) or (n, 3) or" " (k, n, 3)".format(shape)) if dim is not None and dim not in (1, 2, 3): raise ValueError("'dim' ({}) must be 1, 2 or 3".format(dim)) # Check position array: if pos_array.shape[-1] != 3: raise ValueError("'pos_array' has shape {} but must have shape" " (3,) or (n, 3) or (k, n, 3)" .format(pos_array.shape)) if pos_array.ndim < 1 or pos_array.ndim > 3: raise ValueError("'pos_array' has shape {} but must have shape" " (3,) or (n, 3) or (k, n, 3)" .format(pos_array.shape)) if (shape is not None or dim is not None or amin is not None or amax is not None or dtype is not None): mdt.check.array(a=pos_array, shape=shape, dim=dim, amin=amin, amax=amax, dtype=dtype) return pos_array
[docs]def box(box, with_angles=None, orthorhombic=False, allow_negative=False, allow_zero=False, dim=None, dtype=None): """ Check if the input array satisfies the conditions for a simulation box array. Arrays that contain the dimensions of simulation boxes must meet the following requirements: * Must be of an `array_like` type, i.e. a type that can be convertet to a :class:`numpy.ndarray`. * Must have a data type equal to the supplied `dtype`. * If the array does not contain the box angles: * Must be of shape ``(3,)`` or ``(k, 3)``, where ``k`` is the number of frames. * If the array contains the box angles: * Must be of shape ``(6,)`` or ``(k, 6)``. * The angles must be greater than 0 and less than 180°. Parameters ---------- box : array_like The array to check. with_angles : None or bool, optional If ``None`` (default), whether the box contains angles or not is inferred from the shape of the last dimension of `box`. If the last dimension has shape ``(3,)``, `box` is considered to not contain angles, if it has shape ``(6,)``, `box` is considered to contain angles. If `with_angles` is ``True`` or ``False`` the box must or must not contain angles, otherwise an exception is raised. orthorhombic : bool, optional If ``True`` and `with_angles` evaluates to ``True``, all angles of `box` must be 90°. .. deprecated:: 0.0.0.dev0 This argument will be renamed to `orthogonal` in a future release. allow_negative : bool, optional If ``True``, allow negative box lengths (but not zero). allow_zero : bool, optional If ``True``, allow box lengths to be zero. dim : {None, 1, 2}, optional The dimension expected for `box`. Default is ``None``, which means that the dimension of `box` is not checked. If `box` should contain the box paramaters for only one frame, set `dim` to 1. If `box` should contain the box paramaters for multiple frames, set `dim` to 2. dtype : type, optional The data type expected for `box`. Default is ``None``, which means that the data type of `box` is not checked. Returns ------- box : numpy.ndarray The input array as :class:`numpy.ndarray`. Raises ------ ValueError If `box` has an incorrect shape; incorrect dimensionality; an invalid angle; an invalid box length. Or if `dim` is not ``None`` and neither one or two. See :func:`mdtools.check.array` for further potentially raised exceptions. See Also -------- :func:`mdtools.check.array` : Check if an array meets given requirements :func:`mdtools.check.pos_array` : Check if an array is a suitable position array """ box = np.asarray(box) # Check input parameters: if dim is not None and dim not in (1, 2): raise ValueError("'dim' ({}) must be 1 or 2".format(dim)) # Check box array: if with_angles is None: if box.shape[-1] == 3: with_angles = False elif box.shape[-1] == 6: with_angles = True else: raise ValueError("'box' has shape {} but must have shape" " (3,) or (6,) or (k, 3) or (k, 6)" .format(box.shape)) else: if with_angles and box.shape[-1] != 6: raise ValueError("'box' has shape {} but must have shape" " (6,) or (k, 6)".format(box.shape)) if not with_angles and box.shape[-1] != 3: raise ValueError("'box' has shape {} but must have shape" " (3,) or (k, 3)".format(box.shape)) if box.ndim not in (1, 2): raise ValueError("'box' has dimension {} but must have dimension" " 1 or 2".format(box.ndim)) if with_angles: slc_angle = [slice(None)] * box.ndim slc_angle[box.ndim-1] = slice(3, 6) slc_angle = tuple(slc_angle) if np.any(box[slc_angle] <= 0): raise ValueError("At least one angle is less than or equal" " to zero") if np.any(box[slc_angle] >= 180): raise ValueError("At least one angle is greater than or" " equal to 180 degrees") if (orthorhombic and not np.all(np.isclose(box[slc_angle], 90, rtol=0))): raise ValueError("At least one angle is not 90 degrees") slc_length = [slice(None)] * box.ndim slc_length[box.ndim-1] = slice(0, 3) slc_length = tuple(slc_length) if not allow_negative and np.any(box[slc_length] < 0): raise ValueError("At least box length is negative") if not allow_zero and np.any(np.isclose(box[slc_length], 0)): raise ValueError("At least box length is zero") if dim is not None or dtype is not None: array(a=box, dim=dim, dtype=dtype) return box
[docs]def dtrj(dtrj, shape=None, amin=None, amax=None, dtype=None): """ Check if the input array satisfies the conditions for a discrete trajectory. Arrays that serve as discrete trajectory must meet the following requirements: * Must be of an `array_like` type, i.e. a type that can be convertet to a :class:`numpy.ndarray`. * Must be of shape ``(f,)`` or ``(n, f)``, where ``n`` is the number of compounds and ``f`` is the number of frames. * Must contain only integers or floats whose fractional part is zero, because the elements of a discrete trajectory are interpreted as the indices of the states in which a given compound is at a given frame. Parameters ---------- dtrj : array_like The array to check. shape : tuple, optional The shape expected for `dtrj`. Default is ``None``, which means that the shape of `dtrj` is not checked. If provided, the length of `shape` must be two. amin : scalar or array_like Minimum values that the elements of `dtrj` must not undermine. If `amin` and `dtrj` do not have the same shape, they must be broadcastable to a common shape. amax : scalar or array_like Maximum values that the elements of `dtrj` must not exceed. If `amax` and `dtrj` do not have the same shape, they must be broadcastable to a common shape. `amax` must be greater than `amin`. dtype : type, optional The data type expected for `dtrj`. The default is ``None``, which means that the data type of `dtrj` is not checked. Returns ------- dtrj : numpy.ndarray The input array as :class:`numpy.ndarray` with two dimensions. Raises ------ ValueError If `dtrj` has more than two dimensions; Any element of `dtrj` is not an integer. Or if `shape` is not ``None`` and the length of `shape` is not two. See :func:`mdtools.check.array` for further potentially raised exceptions. See Also -------- :func:`mdtools.check.array` : Check if an array meets given requirements Notes ----- If the input array has only shape ``(f,)``, it is expanded to shape ``(1, f)``. Hence, the output array will always have two dimensions. """ dtrj = np.asarray(dtrj) # Check input paramaters: if shape is not None and len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError("The length of 'shape' is {} but must be 2" .format(len(shape))) # Check discrete trajectory array: if dtrj.ndim == 1: dtrj = np.expand_dims(dtrj, axis=0) elif dtrj.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("'dtrj' has {} dimensions but must have one or" " two dimensions".format(dtrj.ndim)) if np.any(np.modf(dtrj)[0] != 0): raise ValueError("At least one element of 'dtrj' is not an" " integer") if (shape is not None or amin is not None or amax is not None or dtype is not None): array(a=dtrj, shape=shape, amin=amin, amax=amax, dtype=dtype) return dtrj
[docs]def list_of_cms( cms, shape=None, dim=None, amin=None, amax=None, dtype=None): """ Check if the input is a sequence of contact matrices (or arrays). A sequence of contact matrices must meet the following requirements: * The sequence must be a tuple, list or :class:`numpy.ndarray` instance containing the contact matrices either as :class:`NumPy arrays <numpy.ndarray>` or as :mod:`SciPy sparse matrices <scipy.sparse>`. A mix of :class:`NumPy arrays <numpy.ndarray>` and :mod:`SciPy sparse matrices <scipy.sparse>` is not permitted. * All arrays in the sequence must have the same shape. If `shape` is supplied, their shape must be equal to `shape`. * All arrays in the sequence must have a dimension equal to the supplied `dim` (usually 2 for contact matrices). * All array elements must be greater than or equal to `amin` (if supplied; usually 0 for contact matrices). * All array elements must be less than or equal to `amax` (if supplied; usually 1 for contact matrices). * All arrays in the sequence must have a data type equal to the supplied `dtype`. Parameters ---------- cms : tuple or list or numpy.ndarray Sequence of contact matrices (or generally arrays) as e.g. generated with :func:`mdtools.structure.contact_matrices`. The contact matrices itself can be either :class:`NumPy arrays <numpy.ndarray>` or :mod:`SciPy sparse matrices <scipy.sparse>`. A mix of :class:`NumPy arrays <numpy.ndarray>` and :mod:`SciPy sparse matrices <scipy.sparse>` is not permitted. shape : tuple, optional The shape expected for the arrays in `cms`. Default is ``None``, which means that it is only checked whether all arrays in `cms` have the same shape, but not what shape that is. dim : int, optional The dimension expected for the arrays in `cms`. If ``None``, the dimension is not checked. amin : scalar Minimum values that the elements of the arrays in `cms` must not undermine. amax : scalar Maximum values that the elements of the arrays in `cms` must not exceed. dtype : type, optional The data type expected for the arrays in `cms`. Default is ``None``, which means that the data type is not checked. Returns ------- cms : tuple or list or numpy.ndarray The unmodified input. Raises ------ ValueError If `shape` is not ``None`` and the shape of the arrays in `cms` is not `shape`; `dim` is not ``None`` and the dimension of the arrays in `cms` is not `dim`; The arrays in `cms` contain elements that are less than `amin`; The arrays in `cms` contain elements that are greater than `amax`. Or if the given combination of `shape` and `dim` is not satisfiable by any array; `amax` is less than `amin`. TypeError If `cms` is not a sequence of arrays; `dtype` is not ``None`` and the data type of the arrays in `cms` is not `dtype`; Not all arrays in `cms` are of the same instance. """ # Check input parameters: if dim is not None and shape is not None and dim != len(shape): raise ValueError("The given combination of 'dim' ({}) and" " 'shape' ({}) is not satisfiable by any array" .format(dim, shape)) if amin is not None and amax is not None and amax < amin: raise ValueError("'amax' ({}) must be greater than 'amin' ({})" .format(amax, amin)) # Check list of contact matrices: if not isinstance(cms, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("'cms' ({}) is not a tuple, list or" " numpy.ndarray instance".format(type(cms))) try: cm_shape = cms[0].shape cm_dim = cms[0].ndim except (IndexError, AttributeError, TypeError): raise TypeError("'cms' is not a sequence of numpy.ndarrays") if shape is not None and cm_shape != shape: raise ValueError("The first array in 'cms' has shape {} but must" " have shape {}".format(cm_shape, shape)) if dim is not None and cm_dim != dim: raise ValueError("The first array in 'cms' has dimension {} but" " must have dimension {}".format(cm_dim, dim)) cm_type = type(cms[0]) cm_size = check_amin = (amin is not None and cm_size > 0) check_amax = (amax is not None and cm_size > 0) for i, cm in enumerate(cms): if cm.shape != cm_shape: raise ValueError("'cms[{}]' has a different shape ({}) than" " the previous arrays in 'cms' ({})" .format(i, cm.shape, cm_shape)) if check_amin and cm.min() < amin: raise ValueError("The minimum value of 'cms[{}]' ({}) is" " less than 'amin' ({})" .format(i, cm.min(), amin)) if check_amax and cm.max() > amax: raise ValueError("The maximum value of 'cms[{}]' ({}) is" " greater than 'amax' ({})" .format(i, cm.max(), amax)) if dtype is not None and cm.dtype != dtype: raise TypeError("The data type of 'cms[{}]' is {} but must" " be {}".format(i, cm.dtype, dtype)) if not isinstance(cm, cm_type): raise TypeError("'cms[{}]' is of another instance ({}) than" " the previous arrays in 'cms' ({})" .format(i, type(cm), cm_type)) return cms
[docs]def bins(start, stop, step=None, num=None, amin=0, amax=None, precision=9, verbose=True): """ Check if start point, end point and step width or number of bins are chosen properly for creating bin edges. `start`, `stop`, `step` and `num` must meet the following requirements: * `start` must not be less than `amin` (if supplied). * `stop` must be greater than `start`, but not greater than `amax` (if supplied). * `step` must be greater than zero, but not greater than ``stop - start``. * `num` must be an integer and greater than zero. Parameters ---------- start : scalar Start of interval. The interval includes this value. stop : scalar End of interval. The interval includes(!) this value. step : scalar, optional Step width. num : int, optional Number of steps between start and stop. Note that either `step` or `num` or both of them must be given. amin : scalar, optional A minimum value that start must not undermine. amax : scalar, optional A maximum value that stop must not exceed. If given, `amax` must be greater than `amin`. precision : int, optional Precision to use for floating point arithmetics. Default is 9 decimal places. verbose : bool, optional If ``True`` (default), any changes of the input parameters are printed to standard output. Returns ------- start : float The input or a corrected start point. stop : float The input or a corrected end point. step : float The input or a corrected step width. num : int The input or a corrected number of bins. Note: If both, `step` and `num`, are given, `step` is tried to be kept fixed while `num` is changed according to ``stop - start == num * step``. Raises ------ ValueError If a corrected value cannot be inferred from the given input. See Also -------- :func:`mdtools.check.distance_bins` : Check if the input is appropriate for binning distances that obey the minimum image convention :func:`mdtools.check.bin_edges` : Check if bin edges are chosen properly for binning a given interval Notes ----- To check whether the binning also fulfills the minimum image convention, use :func:`mdtools.check.distance_bins`. If you want to ensure that **all** bins are equidistant, do not parse `step` but only `num`. If you parse `step`, this function tries to keep the input `step` fixed, even if this requires that the **last** bin is smaller than all other bins. """ # Check input parameters: if step is None and num is None: raise ValueError("Either 'step' ({}) or 'num' ({}) or both of" " them must be given".format(step, num)) if amin is not None and amax is not None and amax <= amin: raise ValueError("amax ({}) must be greater than amin ({})" .format(amax, amin)) # Setting precision for floating point comparison: digits = int(max(len(str(int(start))), len(str(int(stop))))) if step is not None: digits = int(max(digits, len(str(int(step))))) if num is not None: digits = int(max(digits, len(str(int(num))))) if amin is not None: digits = int(max(digits, len(str(int(amin))))) if amax is not None: digits = int(max(digits, len(str(int(amax))))) if precision > 0: dec.getcontext().prec = digits + precision else: dec.getcontext().prec = digits dec.getcontext().rounding = dec.ROUND_DOWN start = dec.Decimal(str(start)) stop = dec.Decimal(str(stop)) if step is not None: step = dec.Decimal(str(step)) if num is not None: num = dec.Decimal(str(num)) if amin is not None: amin = dec.Decimal(str(amin)) if amax is not None: amax = dec.Decimal(str(amax)) # Check bins: if num is not None and int(num) != num: num = int(num) if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.bins()' set 'num' to {}".format(num)) if amin is not None and start < amin: start = amin if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.bins()' set 'start' to {}" .format(start)) if amax is not None and stop > amax: stop = amax if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.bins()' set 'stop' to {}".format(stop)) if stop <= start: if amax is not None and step is not None: if start + step <= amax: stop = start + step else: stop = amax elif amax is not None and step is None: stop = amax elif amax is None and step is not None: stop = start + step elif amax is None and step is None: raise ValueError("stop ({}) is equal to or less than start" " ({})".format(stop, start)) if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.bins()' set 'stop' to {}".format(stop)) if step is not None: if step > stop - start or step <= 0: if num is not None: step = (stop - start) / num else: step = stop - start if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.bins()' set 'step' to {}".format(step)) else: step = (stop - start) / num if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.bins()' set 'step' to {}".format(step)) if num is None or num != (stop - start) / step: num = int(np.around((stop-start)/step)) if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.bins()' set 'num' to {}".format(num)) return float(start), float(stop), float(step), int(num)
[docs]def distance_bins( box, start, stop, step=None, num=None, precision=9, verbose=True): """ Check if start point, end point and step width or number of bins are chosen properly for binning distances that obey the minimum image convention. `start`, `stop`, `step` and `num` must meet the following requirements: * `start` must be equal to or greater than zero. * `stop` must be greater than `start`, but less than half the box diagonal. * `step` must be greater than zero, but not greater than ``stop - start``. * `num` must be an integer and greater than zero. .. todo:: This function is not implemented, yet! Parameters ---------- box : array_like, optional TODO: Docstring start : scalar Start of interval. The interval includes this value. stop : scalar End of interval. The interval includes(!) this value. step : scalar, optional Step width. num : int, optional Number of steps between start and stop. Note that either `step` or `num` or both of them must be given. precision : int, optional Precision to use for floating point arithmetics. Default is 9 decimal places. verbose : bool, optional If ``True`` (default), any changes of the input parameters are printed to standard output. Returns ------- start : float The input or a corrected start point. stop : float The input or a corrected end point. step : float The input or a corrected step width. num : int The input or a corrected number of bins. Note: If both, `step` and `num`, are given, `step` is tried to be kept fixed while `num` is changed according to ``stop - start == num * step``. Raises ------ ValueError If a corrected value cannot be inferred from the given input. Warnings -------- Works currently only for orthogonal simulation boxes. See Also -------- :func:`mdtools.check.bins` : Check if the input is appropriate for creating bin edges :func:`mdtools.check.bin_edges` : Check if bin edges are chosen properly for binning a given interval Notes ----- To check binning that does not need to fulfill the minimum image convention, use :func:`mdtools.check.bins`. If you want to ensure that **all** bins are equidistant, do not parse `step` but only `num`. If you parse `step`, this function tries to keep the input `step` fixed, even if this implies that the **last** bin is smaller than all other bins. """ raise NotImplementedError("This function is not implemented, yet")
[docs]def bin_edges(bins, amin=0, amax=1, right=False, tol=1e-6, verbose=True): """ Check if bin edges are chosen properly for binning a given interval. The bin edges must meet the following requirements: * There must be at least one bin edge. * The first bin edge must not be less than `amin`. * The last bin edge must not be greater than `amax`. Parameters ---------- bins : array_like Array containing the bin edges. The bin edges are sorted and dublicates are removed. amin : scalar, optional A minimum value that the first bin edge must not undermine. amax : scalar, optional A maximum value that the last bin edge must not exceed. right : bool, optional Indicating whether the bin intervals include the right or the left bin edge. If ``True``, the bin intervals include the right bin edge, i.e. the bin intervals are left-open and right-closed: (a, b] -> a < x <= b. If ``False`` (default), the bin intervals include the left bin edge, i.e. the bin intervals are left-closed and right-open: [a, b) -> a <= x < b. tol : scalar, optional A tolerance value subtracted from `amin` or added to `amax`. If `right` is ``True``, the first bin edge will be set to ``amin - tol`` to account for the left-open bin interval. If `right` is ``False``, the last bin edge will be set to ``amax + tol`` to account for the right-open bin interval. In this way, values of `amin` or `amax` will be properly binned into the first or last bin, respectively, when using :func:`numpy.digitize`. Set `tol` to zero if you do not want to account for the first/last half-open bin interval. verbose : bool, optional If ``True`` (default), any changes of the bin edges are printed to standard output. Returns ------- bins : numpy.ndarray Unique and sorted copy of the input bin edges. If `bins` did not already contain `amin` and/or `amax` these values are inserted with `tol` subtracted or added according to the value of `right`. If `bins` already contained `amin` and/or `amax`, `tol` will be subtracted or added according to the value of `right`. Raises ------ ValueError If ``len(bins)`` is zero; ``bins[0]`` is less than ``amin - tol``; ``bins[-1]`` is greater than ``amax + tol``. See Also -------- :func:`mdtools.check.bins` : Check if the input is appropriate for creating bin edges :func:`mdtools.check.distance_bins` : Check if the input is appropriate for binning distances that obey the minimum image convention :func:`numpy.digitize` : Return the indices of the bins to which each value in the input array belongs Notes ----- The bin edges returned by this function can for instance be used to discretize the positions of compounds that are wrapped into the primary unit cell with :func:`numpy.digitize`. """ bins = np.unique(bins) if len(bins) == 0: raise ValueError("The number of bin edges is zero") if amax <= amin: raise ValueError("'amax' ({}) must be greater than 'amin' ({})" .format(amax, amin)) if right: first_bin_edge = amin - tol last_bin_edge = amax else: first_bin_edge = amin last_bin_edge = amax + tol if np.isclose(bins[0], amin, rtol=0, atol=tol): bins[0] = first_bin_edge if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.bin_edges()' set 'bins[0]' to {}" .format(bins[0])) elif bins[0] > amin: bins = np.insert(bins, 0, first_bin_edge) if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.bin_edges()' prepended 'bins' with {}" .format(bins[0])) elif bins[0] < amin: raise ValueError("The first bin edge ({}) must not be less than" " 'amin-tol' ({})".format(bins[0], amin-tol)) if np.isclose(bins[-1], amax, rtol=0, atol=tol): bins[-1] = last_bin_edge if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.bin_edges()' set 'bins[-1]' to {}" .format(bins[-1])) elif bins[-1] < amax: bins = np.append(bins, last_bin_edge) if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.bin_edges()' appended 'bins' with {}" .format(bins[-1])) elif bins[-1] > amax: raise ValueError("The last bin edge ({}) must not be greater" " than 'amax+tol' ({})" .format(bins[-1], amax+tol)) return bins
[docs]def frame_slicing(start, stop, step, n_frames_tot=None, verbose=True): """ Check if the input parameters are suitable for slicing |mda_trjs|. Bassically, the same rules as for `slicing numpy arrays`_ apply with the following limitations: * `start` must be positive or zero, but smaller than `stop`. * `stop` must be positive and greater than `start` but not greater than `n_frames_tot` (if supplied). * `step` must be positive but not greater than ``stop - start``. * `n_frames_tot` must be positive (if supplied). In fact, the limitations for `slicing MDAnalysis trajectories`_ are not that strict, but to ensure consistent user input for MDTools scripts, we have set up the above limitations. .. _slicing numpy arrays: .. _slicing MDAnalysis trajectories: Parameters ---------- start : int Start of the interval. The interval includes this value. Note that frame numbering starts at zero. stop : int End of the interval. The interval excludes(!) this value. step : int Step width. n_frames_tot : int, optional A total value that `stop` must not exceed (usually the length of the :attr:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe.trajectory`). Must be positive. verbose : bool, optional If ``True`` (default), any changes of the input parameters are printed to standard output. Returns ------- start : int The input or a corrected start point. stop : int The input or a corrected end point. step : int The input or a corrected step width. n_frames : int The number of selected frames. See Also -------- :func:`mdtools.check.block_averaging` : Check if the number of blocks for block averaging is chosen properly :func:`mdtools.check.frame_lag` : Check if a frame lag ('lag time') is chosen properly :func:`mdtools.check.time_step` : Check whether all frames in a |mda_trj| have the same :attr:`time step <MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.dt>` :meth:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.ReaderBase.check_slice_indices` : Check if frame indices are valid to slice a |mda_trj| :class:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.FrameIteratorSliced` : Iterable over the frames of a trajectory on the basis of a slice """ if start < 0: start = 0 if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.frame_slicing()' set 'start' to {}" .format(start)) if step < 1: step = 1 if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.frame_slicing()' set 'step' to {}" .format(step)) if n_frames_tot is not None: if n_frames_tot < 1: raise ValueError("'n_frames_tot' ({}) is less than 1" .format(n_frames_tot)) if stop <= 0 or stop > n_frames_tot: stop = n_frames_tot if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.frame_slicing()' set 'stop' to {}" .format(stop)) if stop <= 0: stop = start + step if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.frame_slicing()' set 'stop' to {}" .format(stop)) elif start >= stop and stop-step >= 0: start = stop - step if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.frame_slicing()' set 'start' to {}" .format(start)) elif start >= stop and stop-step < 0: start = 0 step = stop - start if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.frame_slicing()' set 'start' to {}" .format(start)) print("'mdtools.check.frame_slicing()' set 'step' to {}" .format(step)) elif step > stop-start: step = stop - start if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.frame_slicing()' set 'step' to {}" .format(step)) elif (stop - start) % step > 1: stop -= (stop - start) % step - 1 if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.frame_slicing()' set 'stop' to {}" .format(stop)) n_frames = int(np.ceil((stop - start) / step)) return start, stop, step, n_frames
[docs]def block_averaging(n_blocks, n_frames, check_CPUs=False, verbose=True): """ Check if the number of blocks for block averaging is chosen properly. The number of blocks must be greater than zero, but less than the number of available frames. Parameters ---------- n_blocks : int Number of blocks for block averaging. n_frames : int The number of frames available for analysis, i.e. the number of frames that are/were actually read, **not** the total number of frames in the trajectory. check_CPUs : bool, optional If ``True``, check if the number of available CPUs is a multiple of the number of blocks (or the other way round). If this is not the case, a warning is raised. verbose : bool, optional If ``True`` (default), any changes to `n_blocks` are printed to standard output. Returns ------- n_blocks : int The input or a corrected number of blocks. block_size : int The number of frames available for analysis per block. Warns ----- RuntimeWarning If `check_CPUs` is ``True`` and the number of available CPUs is not an integer multiple of `n_blocks` (or the other way round). See Also -------- :func:`mdtools.check.frame_slicing` : Check if the input parameters are suitable for slicing |mda_trjs| :func:`mdtools.check.frame_lag` : Check if a frame lag ('lag time') is chosen properly :func:`mdtools.check.time_step` : Check whether all frames in a |mda_trj| have the same :attr:`time step <MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.dt>` """ # Check input parameters: if n_frames < 1: raise ValueError("'n_frames' ({}) must be greater than zero" .format(n_frames)) # Check blocks: if n_blocks < 1: n_blocks = 1 if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.block_averaging()' set 'n_blocks' to" " {}".format(n_blocks)) elif n_blocks > n_frames: n_blocks = n_frames if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.block_averaging()' set 'n_blocks' to" " {}".format(n_blocks)) if verbose and n_frames % n_blocks != 0: print("Note: The number of blocks for block averaging ({}) is\n" " not a multiple of the number of frames available for\n" " analysis ({}). This means that {} frame(s) will not\n" " used." .format(n_blocks, n_frames, n_frames % n_blocks)) if check_CPUs: num_CPUs = mdt.rti.get_num_CPUs() if ((num_CPUs < n_blocks and n_blocks % num_CPUs != 0) or (num_CPUs > n_blocks and num_CPUs % n_blocks != 0)): warnings.warn( "The number of available CPUs ({}) is not a multiple of" " the number of blocks for block averaging ({}). This" " will probably lead to performance degradation." .format(num_CPUs, n_blocks)) block_size = int(n_frames / n_blocks) return n_blocks, block_size
[docs]def restarts( restart_every_nth_frame, read_every_nth_frame, n_frames, verbose=True): """ Check if the number of frames between restarting points is chosen properly. .. deprecated:: 0.0.dev0 :func:`mdtools.check.restarts` might be removed in a future version due to dublicate functionality. Use :func:`mdtools.check.frame_lag` instead. Different restarting points are usually used when calculating time averaged quantities (like mean square displacements or autocorrelation functions) Parameters ---------- restart_every_nth_frame : int Number of frames between restarting points. read_every_nth_frame : int Intervall for reading the trajectory, i.e. only every `read_every_nth_frame` frame of the trajectory is/was actually read. n_frames : int The number of frames available for analysis, i.e. the number of frames that are/were actually read, **not** the total number of frames in the trajectory. If the trajectory is divided into blocks, this is the number of available frames per block. verbose : bool, optional If ``True`` (default), any changes of the input parameters are printed to standard output. Returns ------- restart_every_nth_frame : int The input or a corrected value. effective_restart : int The effective number of frames between restarting points. If e.g. only every tenth frame of the trajectory is read and you want restarts every fifty frames, you effectively restart every fifths frame of the read frames. See Also -------- :func:`mdtools.check.frame_lag` : Check if a frame lag ('lag time') is chosen properly :func:`mdtools.check.frame_slicing` : Check if the input parameters are suitable for slicing |mda_trjs| :func:`mdtools.check.block_averaging` : Check if the number of blocks for block averaging is chosen properly :func:`mdtools.check.time_step` : Check whether all frames in a |mda_trj| have the same :attr:`time step <MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.dt>` """ # Check input parameters: if n_frames < 1: raise ValueError("'n_frames' ({}) must be greater than zero" .format(n_frames)) if read_every_nth_frame < 1: raise ValueError("'read_every_nth_frame' ({}) must be greater" " than zero".format(n_frames)) # Check restarts: if restart_every_nth_frame > n_frames * read_every_nth_frame: restart_every_nth_frame = n_frames * read_every_nth_frame if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.restarts()' set" " 'restart_every_nth_frame' to {}" .format(restart_every_nth_frame)) elif restart_every_nth_frame < read_every_nth_frame: restart_every_nth_frame = read_every_nth_frame if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.restarts()' set" " 'restart_every_nth_frame' to {}" .format(restart_every_nth_frame)) elif restart_every_nth_frame % read_every_nth_frame != 0: restart_every_nth_frame -= (restart_every_nth_frame % read_every_nth_frame) if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.restarts()' set" " 'restart_every_nth_frame' to {}" .format(restart_every_nth_frame)) effective_restart = int(restart_every_nth_frame/read_every_nth_frame) return restart_every_nth_frame, effective_restart
[docs]def frame_lag( lag, every, n_frames_tot=None, allow_zero=False, verbose=True): """ Check if a frame lag ('lag time') is chosen properly. Check if a frame lag ('lag time') is chosen properly with respect to the total number of frames in the trajectory and the interval between frames that are/were actually read. The frame lag must meet the following requirements: * Must be greater than zero (if `allow_zero` is ``True``, zero is also possible) * Must not be greater than `n_frames_tot` (if supplied). * Must be an integer multiple of `every`. Parameters ---------- lag : int The frame lag, e.g. the number of frames between restarting points. every : int Intervall used while reading the trajectory, i.e. only every n-th frame of the trajectory is/was actually read. n_frames_tot : int, optional The total number of frames in the trajectory. allow_zero : bool, optional If ``True``, `lag` can also be zero. verbose : bool, optional If ``True`` (default), any changes to `lag` are printed to standard output. Returns ------- lag : int The input or a corrected value. effective_lag : int An effective frame lag. If e.g. only every tenth frame of the trajectory is read and you want a frame lag of fifty, the effective frame lag is five. See Also -------- :func:`mdtools.check.frame_slicing` : Check if the input parameters are suitable for slicing |mda_trjs| :func:`mdtools.check.block_averaging` : Check if the number of blocks for block averaging is chosen properly :func:`mdtools.check.time_step` : Check whether all frames in a |mda_trj| have the same :attr:`time step <MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.dt>` """ # Check input parameters: if n_frames_tot < 1: raise ValueError("'n_frames_tot' ({}) must be greater than zero" .format(n_frames_tot)) if every < 1: raise ValueError("'every' ({}) must be greater than zero" .format(every)) if every > n_frames_tot: raise ValueError("'every' ({}) must not be greater than" " 'n_frames_tot' ({})" .format(every, n_frames_tot)) # Check frame lag: if allow_zero and lag == 0: return lag, 0 if n_frames_tot is not None and lag > n_frames_tot: lag = n_frames_tot if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.frame_lag()' set 'lag' to {}" .format(lag)) if lag < every: lag = every if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.frame_lag()' set 'lag' to {}" .format(lag)) elif lag % every != 0: lag -= (lag % every) if verbose: print("'mdtools.check.frame_lag()' set 'lag' to {}" .format(lag)) effective_lag = lag // every if lag != int(lag): raise ValueError("'lag' ist not an integer") if effective_lag != int(effective_lag): raise ValueError("'effective_lag' ist not an integer") return int(lag), int(effective_lag)
[docs]def time_step(trj, verbose=True): """ Check whether all frames in a |mda_trj| have the same :attr:`time step <MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.dt>`. Parameters ---------- trj : MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.ReaderBase or MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.FrameIteratorBase The |mda_trj| to check. verbose : bool, optional If ``True``, print progress information to standard output. Raises ------ ValueError If not all frames have the same :attr:`time step <MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.dt>`. """ init_dt = trj[0].dt if verbose: print("Checking time step equality...") timer = trj = mdt.rti.ProgressBar(trj) time_steps = np.asarray([ts.dt for ts in trj]) if not np.all(time_steps == init_dt): raise ValueError("The time steps in the trajectory vary") if verbose: trj.close() print("All frames in 'trj' have the same time step") print("Elapsed time: {}".format( print("Current memory usage: {:.2f} MiB" .format(mdt.rti.mem_usage(unit='MiB')))
[docs]def masses(ag, flash_test=True): """ Check atom masses. .. deprecated:: 0.0.0.dev0 :func:`mdtools.check.masses` will be replaced by :func:`mdtools.check.masses_new` in a future release. `MDAnalysis always guesses atom masses`_ from the atom type, even if the input file contains the masses. This might result in wrong mass assignments. If the mass cannot be guessed at all, a mass of 0 is assigned. Hence, it is important to check the correct assignment of masses before calculating mass dependent quantities like the center of mass. .. _MDAnalysis always guesses atom masses: Parameters ---------- ag : MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup The MDAnalysis :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` whose masses shall be checked. flash_test : bool, optional If ``True`` (default), only check if any atom type in `ag` was assigned a zero mass. If ``False``, print a list of all different atom types in `ag` with their corresponding masses guessed by MDAnalysis so that the user can check whether the masses were guessed correctly. Raises ------ ValueError If one or more atoms of `ag` have zero mass. Note ---- This function only checks if any atom type was assigned a zero mass. This functions checks *not* whether non-zero masses were assigned correctly. This can be done manually by the user, when `flash_test` is set to ``False``. """ if not flash_test: n_cols = 72 print(n_cols * "!") print("You are going to calculate mass dependent quantities.\n" "Since MDAnalysis always only guesses the mass from the\n" "atom type instead of reading it from the input files,\n" "take a while and carefully check the mass assignment\n" "for correctness.\n") _, ix = np.unique(ag.types, return_index=True) ix.sort() types = ag.types[ix] masses = ag.masses[ix] print(" Type Mass") for i in range(len(types)): print(" {:<4s} {:>9.6f}".format(types[i], masses[i])) print(n_cols * "!") if np.any(ag.masses == 0): raise ValueError("One or more atoms of ag have zero mass")
[docs]def masses_new(ag, verbose=False): """ Check :attr:`atom masses <MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.masses>`. .. note:: :func:`mdtools.check.masses_new` will replace :func:`mdtools.check.masses` in a future release. When doing so, :func:`masses_new` will be renamed to :func:`mdtools.check.masses` (hence lines containing :func:`mdtools.check.masses_new` can have 76 characters instead of 72). `MDAnalysis always guesses atom masses`_ from the atom types, even if the input file contains the masses. This might result in wrong mass assignments. If the mass cannot be guessed at all, a mass of 0 is assigned. Hence, it is important to check the correct assignment of masses before calculating mass dependent quantities like the center of mass. .. _MDAnalysis always guesses atom masses: Parameters ---------- ag : MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup The MDAnalysis :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` whose masses shall be checked. verbose : bool, optional If ``True``, print a list of all different atom types in `ag` with their corresponding masses as guessed by MDAnalysis to standard output so that the user can check whether the masses were guessed correctly. Raises ------ ValueError If at least one :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.Atom` of `ag` has a mass equal to or less than zero. Note ---- This function only checks if any atom type was assigned a mass less than or equal to zero. This functions checks **not** whether positive masses were assigned correctly. This can be done manually by the user, when `verbose` is ``True``. """ if verbose: N_COLS = 72 print(N_COLS * "!") print("! Please check the mass assignment for correctness:" " {:>20s}".format("!")) _, ix = np.unique(ag.types, return_index=True) ix.sort() types = ag.types[ix] masses = ag.masses[ix] print("! {:<4s} {:>9s} {:>54s}".format("Type", "Mass", "!")) for i, typ in enumerate(types): print("! {:<4s} {:>9.6f} {:>54s}" .format(typ, masses[i], "!")) print(N_COLS * "!") if np.any(ag.masses <= 0): raise ValueError("At least one atom of 'ag' has a mass equal to" " or less than zero")