
mdtools.structure.cmp_attr(ag, attr, weights=None, cmp=None, natms_per_cmp=None)[source]

Get attributes of an MDAnalysis AtomGroup compound-wise.

Get arbitrary attributes (e.g. masses or charges) that are defined for Atoms of an MDAnalysis AtomGroup for each individual compound contained in the AtomGroup.

A compound is usually a chemically meaningful subgroup of an AtomGroup. This can e.g. be a Segment, Residue, fragment or a single Atom. Refer to the MDAnalysis’ user guide for an explanation of these terms. Note that in any case, only Atoms belonging to the input AtomGroup are taken into account, even if the compound might comprise additional Atoms that are not contained in the input AtomGroup.

  • ag (MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup) – The MDAnalysis AtomGroup for which to get the compound-wise attribute.

  • attr (str) – The attribute to get. In principle, this can be any attribute of the input AtomGroup. See the MDAnalysis documentation and the examples below for possible choices.

  • weights (str or array_like or None or 'total', optional) – The weights to use when calculating the compound-wise attribute. This can be either the name of an(other) attribute of the input AtomGroup ag, an array of shape (ag.n_atoms,) assigning a weight to each atom in ag, None or 'total'. If weights is an attribute of ag, the attribute must be an array of shape (ag.n_atoms,). If weights is None, all atoms are weighted equally. If weights is 'total', the attributes of all atoms of a compound are simply summed up without taking any average. See examples below. If the weights of a compound sum up to zero, its attribute will be numpy.inf.

  • cmp ({'group', 'segments', 'residues', 'molecules', 'fragments', 'atoms'}, optional) – The compounds of ag for which to get the selected attribute. You must either provide cmp or natms_per_cmp. If both are given, cmp is ignored.

    The selected attribute can be calculated for each Segment, Residue, molecule, fragment or Atom in the input AtomGroup or for the entire AtomGroup itself. Refer to the MDAnalysis’ user guide for an explanation of these terms. Note that in any case, even if cmp is e.g. 'residues', only the Atoms belonging to ag are taken into account, even if the compound might comprise additional Atoms that are not contained in ag.

    If cmp is 'atoms', this function is equivalent to getattr(ag, attr).astype(np.float64).

  • natms_per_cmp (int or array_like or None, optional) – Number of Atoms per compound. You must either provide cmp or natms_per_cmp. If both are given, cmp is ignored.

    natms_per_cmp can be a single integer or an array of integers. If a single integer is given, all compounds are assumed to contain the same number of Atoms. In this case, natms_per_cmp must be an integer divisor of ag.n_atoms. If natms_per_cmp is an array of integers, it must contain the number of Atoms for each single compound. In this case, sum(natms_per_cmp) must be equal to ag.n_atoms.

    Providing natms_per_cmp instead of cmp can speed up the calculation if this function is called multiple times. Internally, this function uses mdtools.structure.natms_per_cmp() to calculate natms_per_cmp if only cmp is given.


attr (numpy.ndarray of dtype numpy.float64) – The selected attribute for each compound in ag. The length of attr is equal to the number of compounds in ag. The number of dimensions of ag depends on the selected attribute. For instance, if the selected attribute is ‘charges’, the shape of attr will be (n_cmp,). If the selected attribute is ‘velocities’, the shape of attr will be (n_cmp, 3). The dtype of attr will always be numpy.float64.

See also


Get the number of Atoms of each compound in an MDAnalysis AtomGroup


Create an MDAnalysis Universe from scratch for the following examples.

>>> import MDAnalysis as mda
>>> # Number of segments.
>>> n_seg = 1
>>> # Number of residues per segment.
>>> n_res = [n+2 for n in range(n_seg)]
>>> # Number of atoms per residue.
>>> n_atms = [n+2 for n_r in n_res for n in range(n_r)]
>>> u = mda.Universe.empty(
...     n_atoms=sum(n_atms),
...     n_residues=sum(n_res),
...     n_segments=n_seg,
...     atom_resindex=[
...         ix for ix, n_a in enumerate(n_atms) for _ in range(n_a)
...     ],
...     residue_segindex=[
...         ix for ix, n_r in enumerate(n_res) for _ in range(n_r)
...     ],
...     trajectory=True,
...     velocities=True,
...     forces=True,
... )
>>> bonds = [
...     (sum(n_atms[:i]), j)
...     for i in range(len(n_atms))
...     for j in range(sum(n_atms[:i])+1, sum(n_atms[:i+1]))
... ]
>>> u.add_TopologyAttr("bonds", bonds)
>>> u.add_TopologyAttr("masses")
>>> u.add_TopologyAttr("charges")
>>> ag = u.atoms
>>> # Fill AtomGroup attributes.
>>> ag.positions = np.random.random(ag.positions.shape) * 10 - 5
>>> ag.velocities = np.random.random(ag.velocities.shape) * 2 - 1
>>> ag.forces = np.random.random(ag.forces.shape) * 5 - 2.5
>>> ag.masses = np.random.random(ag.masses.shape) * 10
>>> ag.charges = np.random.random(ag.charges.shape) * - 5

Center of geometry.

>>> # Center of geometry of each segment.
>>> cog1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(ag, cmp="segments", attr="positions")
>>> cog2 = [seg.atoms.center_of_geometry() for seg in ag.segments]
>>> np.allclose(cog1, cog2, rtol=0)
>>> # Center of geometry of each residue.
>>> cog1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(ag, cmp="residues", attr="positions")
>>> cog2 = [res.atoms.center_of_geometry() for res in ag.residues]
>>> np.allclose(cog1, cog2, rtol=0)
>>> # Center of geometry of each fragment.
>>> cog1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(ag, cmp="fragments", attr="positions")
>>> cog2 = [frg.atoms.center_of_geometry() for frg in ag.fragments]
>>> np.allclose(cog1, cog2, rtol=0)
>>> # Center of geometry of each atom.
>>> cog1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(ag, cmp="atoms", attr="positions")
>>> cog2 = ag.positions
>>> np.allclose(cog1, cog2, rtol=0)
>>> # Center of geometry of the entire group.
>>> cog1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(ag, cmp="group", attr="positions")
>>> cog2 = ag.center_of_geometry()
>>> np.allclose(cog1, cog2, rtol=0)

Instead of cmp one can also give natms_per_cmp, which can for instance be calculated using mdtools.structure.natms_per_cmp().

>>> # Center of geometry of the entire group.
>>> cog1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(
...     ag, attr="positions", natms_per_cmp=sum(n_atms)
... )
>>> cog2 = ag.center_of_geometry()
>>> np.allclose(cog1, cog2, rtol=0)
>>> # Center of geometry of each atom.
>>> cog1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(ag, attr="positions", natms_per_cmp=1)
>>> cog2 = ag.positions
>>> np.allclose(cog1, cog2, rtol=0)
>>> # Center of geometry of each residue.
>>> cog1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(
...     ag, attr="positions", natms_per_cmp=n_atms
... )
>>> cog2 = [res.atoms.center_of_geometry() for res in ag.residues]
>>> np.allclose(cog1, cog2, rtol=0)

Center of mass.

>>> com1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(
...     ag, cmp="residues", attr="positions", weights="masses"
... )
>>> com2 = [res.atoms.center_of_mass() for res in ag.residues]
>>> np.allclose(com1, com2, rtol=0)

Center-of-mass velocity.

>>> com_vel1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(
...     ag, cmp="residues", attr="velocities", weights="masses"
... )
>>> com_vel2 = [
...     np.sum(
...         np.expand_dims(
...             res.atoms.masses / np.sum(res.atoms.masses),
...             axis=1
...         )
...         * res.atoms.velocities,
...         axis=0
...     )
...     for res in ag.residues
... ]
>>> np.allclose(com_vel1, com_vel2)

Center of charge (the charges of each compound should not sum up to zero).

>>> coc1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(
...     ag, cmp="residues", attr="positions", weights="charges"
... )
>>> coc2 = [
...     for res in ag.residues
... ]
>>> np.allclose(coc1, coc2, rtol=0)

Array of arbitrary weights (must have shape (ag.n_atoms,)).

>>> coc_abs1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(
...     ag,
...     cmp="residues",
...     attr="positions",
...     weights=np.abs(ag.charges),
... )
>>> coc_abs2 = [
...     for res in ag.residues
... ]
>>> np.allclose(coc_abs1, coc_abs2, rtol=0)

weights="total": Return the sum of the selected attribute over all atoms of each compound without taking the (weighted) average.

>>> # Total mass of each residue.
>>> res_mass1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(
...     ag, cmp="residues", attr="masses", weights="total"
... )
>>> res_mass2 = [sum(res.atoms.masses) for res in ag.residues]
>>> np.allclose(res_mass1, res_mass2, rtol=0)
>>> # Total charge of each residue.
>>> res_charges1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(
...     ag, cmp="residues", attr="charges", weights="total"
... )
>>> res_charges2 = [sum(res.atoms.charges) for res in ag.residues]
>>> np.allclose(res_charges1, res_charges2, rtol=0)
>>> # Total velocity of each residue.
>>> res_vel1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(
...     ag, cmp="residues", attr="velocities", weights="total"
... )
>>> res_vel2 = [
...     np.sum(res.atoms.velocities, axis=0) for res in ag.residues
... ]
>>> np.allclose(res_vel1, res_vel2)
>>> # Center-of-mass force of each residue.
>>> com_force1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(
...     ag, cmp="residues", attr="forces", weights="total"
... )
>>> com_force2 = [
...     np.sum(res.atoms.forces, axis=0) for res in ag.residues
... ]
>>> np.allclose(com_force1, com_force2)

If the weights of all atoms belonging to the same compound sum up to zero, the compound’s attribute will be numpy.inf.

>>> weights = np.array([-1, 1, -2, 0, 2])
>>> a = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(
...     ag, cmp="residues", attr="positions", weights=weights,
... )
>>> np.abs(a)  # Only for doctest: Convert -inf to inf
array([[inf, inf, inf],
       [inf, inf, inf]])

mdtools.structure.cmp_attr() only takes into account Atoms that belong to the input AtomGroup ag, even if the selected compound might comprise additional Atoms that are not contained in ag. Contrarily, ag.segments.atoms, ag.residues.atoms and ag.fragments.atoms contain all Atoms that belong to the respective compound even if ag does not contain all their Atoms.

>>> ag = ag[:-1]
>>> cog1 = mdt.strc.cmp_attr(ag, cmp="residues", attr="positions")
>>> cog2 = [res.atoms.center_of_geometry() for res in ag.residues]
>>> np.allclose(cog1[0], cog2[0], rtol=0)
>>> np.allclose(cog1[1], cog2[1], rtol=0)