
Read up to three matrices from text files and plot them as one RGB matrix with matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow().


Finish docstring.

Each matrix must be stored in a separate text file. The first column of the text files must contain the x values and the first row the y values (note that this is opposed to the standard matrix convention). The value in the upper left corner will be ignored. The remaining elements of the matrix must contain the z values for each (x,y) pair. The file may contain comment lines starting with ‘#’, which will be ignored.



File containing the matrix that shall be represented as red levels in the final RGB matrix.


File containing the matrix that shall be represented as green levels in the final RGB matrix.


File containing the matrix that shall be represented as blue levels in the final RGB matrix. Note that at leas one of the -r, -g and -b flag must be provided. If multiple matrices are given, all matrices must have the same shape and the same x and y values. The input matrices must not contain negative values.


Output filename.


Eliminate values below a certain cutoff in the final RGB matrix to suppress noise. The values of each RGB channel are normalized to the interval [0, 1] (not [0,255] as usual). Default: 0.


Use Otsu’s binarization[1] to automatically calculate a cutoff. If --Otsu is set, -c will be ignored. This option requires the opencv-python package to be installed on your computer.


x- and y-axis label. Default: [r'$x$ / nm', r'$y$ / nm'].


Left and right limit of the x-axis in data coordinates. Pass ‘None’ to adjust the limit(s) automatically. Default: [None, None].


Lower and upper limit of the y-axis in data coordinates. Pass ‘None’ to adjust the limit(s) automatically. Default: [None, None].


Set x-ticks at the same positions as y-ticks.


This python script is inspired by the work of Hadrian Montes-Campos[2],[3]. It was originally designed to read the output file that is produced by the GROMACS tool ‘gmx densmap’ with the ‘-od’ flag.






Read a 2-dimensional matrix from a text file.