
mdtools.numpy_helper_functions.digitize_dd(sample, bins, right=False, expand_binnumbers=False, raise_if_less=False, raise_if_greater=False)[source]

Return the indices of the multi-dimensional bins to which each value in the input array belongs.

This function extends numpy.digitize() to multi-dimensional data.

If values in sample are beyond the bounds of bins, 0 or len(bins) is returned as appropriate.

  • sample (array_like) – Data to be digitized. Either a sequence of N arrays each of length D or a 2-dimensional array of shape (N, D). Each of the N arrays/rows is interpreted as a set of coordinates in D-dimensional space. If sample has less than 2 dimensions, simply np.digitize(sample, bins, right=right) is returned.

  • bins (array_like or sequence of array_likes) – Array of bin edges to use for each of the D dimensions. Must be either a sequence of D monotonic arrays (one for each dimension) or a single monotonic array that is used for all dimensions. If sample has less than 2 dimensions, bins must be a 1-dimensional, monotonic array.

  • right (bool, optional) – Indicating whether the bin intervals include the right or the left bin edge. If True, the bin intervals include the right bin edge, i.e. the bin intervals are left-open and right-closed: (a, b] -> a < x <= b. If False, the bin intervals include the left bin edge, i.e. the bin intervals are left-closed and right-open: [a, b) -> a <= x < b. See numpy.digitize() for more details.

  • expand_binnumbers (bool, optional) – If True, the returned index array is unravled into an array of shape (D, N) where each row gives the bin numbers of the elements of sample along the corresponding dimension. If False, the returned index array has shape (N,) and maps each element of sample to its corresponding linearized bin number (using row-major ordering). Note that the returned linearized bin indices index into an array containing two extra bins at the outer bin edges to capture values outside of the defined bin bounds. See also scipy.stats.binned_statistic_dd().

  • raise_if_less, raise_if_greater (bool, optional) – If True, raise an ValueError if a value of sample lies below/above the first/last bin. Otherwise, if values in sample lie below or above the bounds of bins, 0 or len(bins) is returned, respectively.


bin_ix (numpy.ndarray) – Array of indices. This array assigns to each element of sample an integer that represents the bin number to which this element belongs. The representation depends on the expand_binnumbers argument.

See also


Return the indices of the 1-dimensional bins to which each value of the input array belongs


Compute a multi-dimensional binned statistic for a set of data


Convert an array of flat indices into a tuple of coordinate arrays


>>> mdt.nph.digitize_dd(0.5, [0, 1])
>>> mdt.nph.digitize_dd([-1, 0, 1], [0, 1])
array([0, 1, 2])
>>> mdt.nph.digitize_dd([-1, 0, 1], [0, 1], right=True)
array([0, 0, 1])
>>> a = np.array([[-1, 0.5],
...               [ 0, 1.5],
...               [ 1, 2.5]])
>>> bins_x = np.arange(-1, 2)
>>> bins_y = np.arange(1, 4)
>>> mdt.nph.digitize_dd(a, [bins_x, bins_y])
array([ 4,  9, 14])
>>> mdt.nph.digitize_dd(a, [bins_x, bins_y], expand_binnumbers=True)
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [0, 1, 2]])
>>> from scipy.stats import binned_statistic_dd
>>> a = np.random.rand(4,3) * 5
>>> bins_x = np.arange(5)
>>> bins_y = np.arange(-1, 5.1, 2)
>>> bins_z = np.arange(0, 6.1, 2)
>>> bins = (bins_x, bins_y, bins_z)
>>> bin_ix = mdt.nph.digitize_dd(a, bins)
>>> ret = binned_statistic_dd(a, values=a.T, bins=bins)
>>> np.array_equal(bin_ix, ret.binnumber)
>>> bin_ix = mdt.nph.digitize_dd(a, bins, expand_binnumbers=True)
>>> ret = binned_statistic_dd(
...    a, values=a.T, bins=bins, expand_binnumbers=True
... )
>>> np.array_equal(bin_ix, ret.binnumber)