Source code for subvolume_charge

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# This file is part of MDTools.
# Copyright (C) 2021, 2022  The MDTools Development Team and all
# contributors listed in the file AUTHORS.rst
# MDTools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# MDTools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with MDTools.  If not, see <>.

Calculate the net charge of cubic subvolumes of the simulation box.

Divide the simulation box into as many cubic subvolumes of the given
cube lengths as possible and calculate the net charge of all
:class:`Atoms <MDAnalysis.core.groups.Atom>` inside these subvolumes.

    Trajectory file.  See |supported_coordinate_formats| of MDAnalysis.
    Topology file.  See |supported_topology_formats| of MDAnalysis.
    Output filename.
    First frame to read from the trajectory.  Frame numbering starts at
    zero.  Default: ``0``.
    Last frame to read from the trajectory.  This is exclusive, i.e. the
    last frame read is actually ``END - 1``.  A value of ``-1`` means to
    read the very last frame.  Default: ``-1``.
    Read every n-th frame from the trajectory.  Default: ``1``.
    Selection string to select a group of atoms for the analysis.  See
    MDAnalysis' |selection_syntax| for possible choices.  Default:
    Use an :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.UpdatingAtomGroup` for the
    analysis.  Selection expressions of UpdatingAtomGroups are
    re-evaluated every :attr:`time step
    <MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.dt>`.  This is e.g. useful for
    position-based selections like ``'type Li and prop z <= 2.0'``.
    First cube length to use (in Angstrom).  If set to ``None``,
    \--bin-start is set to \--bin-step.  Default: ``None``.
    Last cube length to use (in Angstrom).  If set to ``None``, go up to
    the minimum box length for each frame.  Default: ``None``.
    Increment the cube length by this amount (in Angstrom).  Default:

Works only with orthogonal simulation boxes.

__author__ = "Andreas Thum"

# Standard libraries
import argparse
import os
import sys
import warnings
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Third-party libraries
import numpy as np
import psutil

# First-party libraries
import mdtools as mdt

[docs] def net_charge_of_cubes(ag, cube_lengths, box=None, mean=True): """ Get the net charges of cubic subvolumes. Divide the simulation box into as many cubic subvolumes of the given cube lengths as possible and calculate the net charge of all :class:`Atoms <MDAnalysis.core.groups.Atom>` inside these subvolumes. Parameters ---------- ag : MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup MDAnalysis :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` or, :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.UpdatingAtomGroup` whose :class:`Atoms <MDAnalysis.core.groups.Atom>` should be assigned to cubic subvolumes. The net charge of a given subvolume is calculated as the sum of the charges of all atoms that lie within this subvolume. cube_lengths : array_like List of cube lengths to use. box : array_like, optional The unit cell dimensions of the system, which must be provided in the same format as returned by :attr:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.timestep.Timestep.dimensions`: ``[lx, ly, lz, alpha, beta, gamma]``. If ``None``, the :attr:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep.dimensions` of the current :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` are used. This function can only handle orthogonal simulation boxes. mean : bool, optional If ``True``, return the average net charge for each considered cube length. If ``False``, the net charges of all cubic subvolumes with the same cube length are summed up and the sums are returned for each considered cube length. Returns ------- cube_charges : numpy.ndarray 1-dimensional array containing the averaged or summed (depends on the value of `mean`) net charges of the cubic subvolumes for all considered cube lengths. cube_charges_squared : numpy.ndarray 1-dimensional array containing the avarage or sum (depends on the value of `mean`) of the squared net charges of the cubic subvolumes for all considered cube lengths. cube_nums : numpy.ndarray 1-dimensional array of dtype ``numpy.uint64`` containing the number of cubic subvolumes into which the simulation box was divided for each considered cube length. atm_nums : numpy.ndarray 1-dimensional array of dtype ``numpy.uint64`` containing the sum of the number of atoms in all cubic subvolumes for each considered cube length. """ if box is None: box = ag.dimensions.asdtype(np.float64), with_angles=True, orthorhombic=True, dim=1) ag.wrap(compound="atoms", box=box, inplace=True) charge_sums, charge_sums_squared, cube_nums, atm_nums = [], [], [], [] for cube_length in cube_lengths: bin_ix, bins, ag_valid = mdt.strc.assign_atoms_to_grid( ag, binwidth=cube_length, discard_below=True, discard_above=True, box=box, assume_wrapped=True, return_bins=True, return_ag=True, ) # Total number of atoms in all cubes. atm_nums.append(ag_valid.n_atoms) # Number of bins/cubes in each spatial direction. n_bins = [len(bns) - 1 for bns in bins] # Total number of cubes in the simulation box. n_cubes =, dtype=np.uint64) cube_nums.append(n_cubes) # Calculate the net charge of each cube. cube_q = np.zeros(n_cubes, dtype=np.float64), bin_ix, ag_valid.charges.astype(np.float64)) charge_sums.append(np.sum(cube_q)) charge_sums_squared.append(np.sum(np.square(cube_q, out=cube_q))) del bin_ix, bins, cube_q charge_sums = np.asarray(charge_sums) charge_sums_squared = np.asarray(charge_sums_squared) cube_nums = np.asarray(cube_nums, dtype=np.uint64) if np.any(cube_nums < 0): raise RuntimeError("Overflow encountered in 'cube_nums'") atm_nums = np.asarray(atm_nums, dtype=np.uint64) if np.any(atm_nums < 0): raise RuntimeError("Overflow encountered in 'atm_nums'") if mean: charge_sums /= cube_nums charge_sums_squared /= cube_nums return charge_sums, charge_sums_squared, cube_nums, atm_nums
if __name__ == "__main__": timer_tot = proc = psutil.Process() proc.cpu_percent() # Initiate monitoring of CPU usage. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=( "TODO: Summary. For" " more information, refer to the documetation of this script." ) ) parser.add_argument( "-f", dest="TRJFILE", type=str, required=True, help="Trajectory file.", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", dest="TOPFILE", type=str, required=True, help="Topology file.", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", dest="OUTFILE", type=str, required=True, help="Output filename.", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", dest="BEGIN", type=int, required=False, default=0, help=( "First frame to read from the trajectory. Frame numbering starts" " at zero. Default: %(default)s." ), ) parser.add_argument( "-e", dest="END", type=int, required=False, default=-1, help=( "Last frame to read from the trajectory (exclusive). Default:" " %(default)s." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--every", dest="EVERY", type=int, required=False, default=1, help=( "Read every n-th frame from the trajectory. Default: %(default)s." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--sel", dest="SEL", type=str, nargs="+", required=False, default=["all"], help="Selection string. Default: %(default)s", ) parser.add_argument( "--updating-sel", dest="UPDATING_SEL", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="Use an UpdatingAtomGroup for the analysis.", ) parser.add_argument( "--bin-start", dest="BIN_START", type=float, required=False, default=None, help=( "First cube length to use (in Angstrom). If set to ``None``," " BIN_START is set to BIN_STEP. Default: %(default)s." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--bin-stop", dest="BIN_STOP", type=float, required=False, default=None, help=( "Last cube length to use (in Angstrom). If set to ``None``," " go up to the minimum box length for each frame. Default:" " %(default)s." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--bin-step", dest="BIN_STEP", type=float, required=False, default=1.0, help=( "Increment the cube length by this amount (in Angstrom). Default:" " %(default)s." ), ) args = parser.parse_args() print(mdt.rti.run_time_info_str()) print("\n") u =, trj=args.TRJFILE) print("\n") sel = ag=u, sel=" ".join(args.SEL), updating=args.UPDATING_SEL ) print("\n") BEGIN, END, EVERY, N_FRAMES = mdt.check.frame_slicing( start=args.BEGIN, stop=args.END, step=args.EVERY, n_frames_tot=u.trajectory.n_frames, ) first_frame_read = u.trajectory[BEGIN].copy() last_frame_read = u.trajectory[END - 1].copy() box = first_frame_read.dimensions.astype(np.float64) lbox_min = np.min(box[:3]) if args.BIN_START is None: start = args.BIN_STEP else: start = args.BIN_START step = args.BIN_STEP if args.BIN_STOP is None: stop = lbox_min print("\n") start, stop, step, num = mdt.check.bins( start, stop, step, amin=0, amax=lbox_min, verbose=True ) bins_init = np.array([start, step]) # Guess for the maximum number of different subvolume sizes. The # true number of different subvolume sizes might actually be larger # if the trajectory contains a frame with a larger simulation box # than in the first frame. n_bins_max_guess = num n_bins_max_true = 0 # Net charges of the subvolumes. charge_sums = np.zeros(n_bins_max_guess, dtype=np.float64) charge_sums_squared = np.zeros_like(charge_sums) subvol_nums = np.zeros_like(charge_sums_squared, dtype=np.uint64) atm_nums = np.zeros_like(subvol_nums) # Net charge of the entire simulation box. box_charge_sum = 0 box_charge_sum_squared = 0 box_atm_num = 0 print("\n") print("Reading trajectory...") print("Total number of frames: {:>8d}".format(u.trajectory.n_frames)) print("Frames to read: {:>8d}".format(N_FRAMES)) print("First frame to read: {:>8d}".format(BEGIN)) print("Last frame to read: {:>8d}".format(END - 1)) print("Read every n-th frame: {:>8d}".format(EVERY)) print("Time first frame: {:>12.3f} ps".format(first_frame_read.time)) print("Time last frame: {:>12.3f} ps".format(last_frame_read.time)) print("Time step first frame: {:>12.3f} ps".format(first_frame_read.dt)) print("Time step last frame: {:>12.3f} ps".format(last_frame_read.dt)) timer = trj = mdt.rti.ProgressBar(u.trajectory[BEGIN:END:EVERY]) for ts in trj: box_net_charge = np.sum(sel.charges.astype(np.float64)) box_charge_sum += box_net_charge box_charge_sum_squared += box_net_charge**2 box_atm_num += sel.n_atoms box = ts.dimensions.astype(np.float64) lbox_min = np.min(box[:3]) if args.BIN_STOP is None: stop = lbox_min start, stop, step, num = mdt.check.bins( start, stop, step, num, amin=0, amax=lbox_min, verbose=False ) if not np.allclose([start, step], bins_init, rtol=0): raise ValueError( "The binning has changed. Initial start/step: {} / {}. New" " start/step: {} /" " {}".format(bins_init[0], bins_init[1], start, step) ) if ((stop - start) / step).is_integer(): # `numpy.arange` generates values within the half-open # interval `[start, stop)`, i.e. `stop` is not included. # To include `stop` in the case it falls within the # value spacing given by `step`, increase it a bit. # # The modulo operator suffers from floating point error. # E.g. 3.5 % 0.1 is 0.09999999999999981, which is much # closer to 0.1 than to the correct value of 0.0. # Therefore we use `((stop - start) / step).is_integer()` # instead of `np.isclose((stop - start) % step, 0)`. stop += step / 2 cube_lengths = np.arange(start, stop, step) # Raise exception if `mdtools.structure.assign_atoms_to_grid` # changes the bin width. warnings.simplefilter("error", RuntimeWarning) charges, charges_squared, n_subvols, n_atms = net_charge_of_cubes( sel, cube_lengths=cube_lengths, box=box, mean=False ) # Reset warnings filter. warnings.simplefilter("default", RuntimeWarning) n_bins_frame = len(charges) n_bins_max_true = max(n_bins_max_true, n_bins_frame) if n_bins_frame > n_bins_max_guess: n_bins_max_guess = n_bins_frame charge_sums = mdt.nph.extend(charge_sums, n_bins_frame) charge_sums_squared = mdt.nph.extend( charge_sums_squared, n_bins_frame ) subvol_nums = mdt.nph.extend(subvol_nums, n_bins_frame) atm_nums = mdt.nph.extend(atm_nums, n_bins_frame) charge_sums[:n_bins_frame] += charges charge_sums_squared[:n_bins_frame] += charges_squared subvol_nums[:n_bins_frame] += n_subvols atm_nums[:n_bins_frame] += n_atms # ProgressBar update. trj.set_postfix_str( "{:>7.2f}MiB".format(mdt.rti.mem_usage(proc)), refresh=False ) trj.close() print("Elapsed time: {}".format( - timer)) print("Current memory usage: {:.2f} MiB".format(mdt.rti.mem_usage(proc))) atm_nums = atm_nums[:n_bins_max_true] if np.any(atm_nums < 0): raise RuntimeError("Overflow encountered in 'atm_nums'") if np.any(atm_nums > box_atm_num): raise ValueError( "Any 'atm_nums' (max: {}) is greater than 'box_atm_num' ({})." " This should not have" " happened".format(np.max(atm_nums), box_atm_num) ) subvol_nums = subvol_nums[:n_bins_max_true] if np.any(subvol_nums < 0): raise RuntimeError("Overflow encountered in 'subvol_nums'") # Calculate averages. (From now on, the suffixe "_sum" is # missleading and should actually be "_mean". But to save memory, # and speed up the calculation, we re-use the array). charge_sums = charge_sums[:n_bins_max_true] charge_sums /= subvol_nums charge_sums_squared = charge_sums_squared[:n_bins_max_true] charge_sums_squared /= subvol_nums box_charge_sum /= N_FRAMES box_charge_sum_squared /= N_FRAMES stop = start + (n_bins_max_true + 0.5) * step cube_lengths = np.arange(start, stop, step) while len(cube_lengths) < n_bins_max_true: cube_lengths.append(cube_lengths[-1] + step) if len(cube_lengths) > n_bins_max_true: cube_lengths = cube_lengths[:n_bins_max_true] print("\n") print("Creating output...") timer = data = np.column_stack( (cube_lengths, charge_sums, charge_sums_squared, subvol_nums, atm_nums) ) header = ( "Mean net charge <q> of cubic subvolumes of the simulation\n" "box as function of the subvolume size.\n" "\n" ) header += "Selection:\n" header += mdt.rti.ag_info_str(sel, indent=2) header += ( "\n\n" "Mean net charge <q> of the whole box: {:>16.9e}\n" "Mean squared net charge <q^2> of the whole box: {:>16.9e}\n" "Number of frames read: {:>15d}\n" "Total number of atoms: {:>15d}\n" "\n".format( box_charge_sum, box_charge_sum_squared, N_FRAMES, box_atm_num ) ) header += ( "The columns contain:\n" " 1 Cube lengths in Angstrom\n" " 2 Mean net charge <q>\n" " 3 Mean squared net charge <q^2>\n" " 4 Total number of cubic subvolumes used for averaging\n" " 5 Total number of atoms in all subvolumes\n" "\n" "{:>14d}".format(1) ) for col_num in range(2, data.shape[1] + 1 - 2): header += " {:>16d}".format(col_num) for col_num in range(data.shape[1] + 1 - 2, data.shape[1] + 1): header += " {:>22d}".format(col_num) fmt = ("%16.9e",) * (data.shape[1] - 2) + ("%22.15e",) * 2 mdt.fh.savetxt(args.OUTFILE, data, header=header, fmt=fmt) print("Created {}".format(args.OUTFILE)) print("Elapsed time: {}".format( - timer)) print("Current memory usage: {:.2f} MiB".format(mdt.rti.mem_usage(proc))) print("\n") print("{} done".format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))) print("Totally elapsed time: {}".format( - timer_tot)) _cpu_time = timedelta(seconds=sum(proc.cpu_times()[:4])) print("CPU time: {}".format(_cpu_time)) print("CPU usage: {:.2f} %".format(proc.cpu_percent())) print("Current memory usage: {:.2f} MiB".format(mdt.rti.mem_usage(proc)))